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Release Notes 4.5.2

Sitevision 4.5.2 contains "web users" and server-side events for RESTApps. It also contains bug fixes for WebApps, RESTApps and Elements. There are also improvements of the REST API and bug fixes and new features are added to the Sitevision Public API. The server-side Javascript engine Rhino is bumped to version 1.7.10


New Features

  • [SV-25724] Server-side events, broadcasted by Sitevision for certain operations (e.g. "page is published")
  • [SV-25665] "Web user" - a lightweight sv:simpleUser managed entirely in SiteVision that authenticates using local credentials


  • [SV-24988] Rhino is bumped to version 1.7.10


  • [SV-25787] The Session value criteria type should also handle the WebApp/RESTApp session when evaluating rendering view

Public API

New utilities

  • [SV-25722] Properties - a server-side Javascript utility for swift resolve of properties


  • [SV-25618] New methods to rename binaries - FileUtil.renameFile and ImageUtil.renameImage
  • [SV-24413] ResourceLocatorUtil.getNodeByUrl - support for WebApp files/images
  • [SV-24815] NodeTypeUtil - added timeline-related node types
  • [SV-25668] JsonRequester documentation updated, the word "promise" is replaced with "chainable" to avoid potential sync/async confusion (there can of course never be any asynchronous server-side rendering during the page rendering phase due to the stateless request/response paradigm)
  • Improved performance for resolve of certain kind of properties - beneficial for PropertyUtil, VersionedPropertyUtil, OnlineVersionPropertyUtil, OfflineVersionPropertyUtil and the shiny new script utility Properties:
    • [SV-25587] Portlet properties
    • [SV-25588] User properties
    • [SV-25582] WebApp properties
    • [SV-24159] Common multi-valued properties

Bug fixes

  • [SV-25228] ImageUtil.updateBinaryContent - user identity should be re-indexed if a profile image is binary updated

See the Public API Change Log for full details


  • [SV-25366] Added timelineentries operations (PUT, DELETE)
  • [SV-25366] Updated timelineentries (POST) - ability to specify format of returned entry text
  • [SV-25792] Updated simpleuser (POST) - ability to set user data at creation
  • [SV-25796] Updated properties (PUT) - support for new format to specify properties (old/legacy format is still supported but not documented)
  • [SV-25778] Updated properties (PUT) - ability to set local authentication data for "web users" (HTTPS only)

Elements and Add-ons


  • [SV-25216] When an Add-on executable (Element) is added/updated, previous settings is now inserted to new version when applicable and safe (best effort approach)


  • [SV-25215] Variables of integer type can't have 0 as value


New features

WebApps and RESTApps

New features


  • [SV-25709] Support for dynamic addition of Components in the config view
  • [SV-25678] Support for all templates in "config template selector" (not just content templates)
  • [SV-25216] When an Add-on executable (WebApp) is added/updated, previous settings is now inserted to new version when applicable and safe (best effort approach)
  • [SV-25808] Support for www-form-urlencoded parameters in PUT requests


  • [SV-25769] Problems to resolve resource files/images that resides in a folder with a name similar to the WebApp/RESTApp name
  • [SV-25783] Problems to resolve resource files/images when there are multiple resources with same name in the resource structure
  • [SV-25676] Javascript caching problems on certain nodes in a SiteVision cluster