Release Notes Sitevision 5
Sitevision 5 is here! We are pleased to announce a shiny new data storage API, server side router for app configuration as well as many other bug fixes and improvements.
- [SV-15911] Tika is bumped to 1.20
- [SV-18865] jQuery is bumped to 3.4.1
- [SV-26129] less4j is bumped to 1.17.2
- [SV-26154] atmosphere.js is bumped to 2.3.8
- [SV-26521] moment.js is bumped to 2.24.0
- [SV-26823] underscore.js is bumped to 1.9.1
- [SV-27114] Tomcat is bumped to version 8.5.40
- [SV-26449] Improve and optimize loading of client-side assets
- Read more about how inline scripts should be handled here
- [SV-26485] ImageRenderer - support lazy loading of images
- [SV-27230] Expose roles in the JCR model
- [SV-27295] Introducing the "hostname" property on sv:site
- [SV-27392] Utilities to resolve sv:tag and sv:tagGroup
- [SV-27316] XSLTUtil - support sv:temporaryFile-nodes as templates
- [SV-27422] RestApi - add put method without operation object
Bug fixes
- [SV-26008] SearchFactory.getSearchSortField - specified sort orders were reversed
- [SV-27531] WebContentUtil.updateContent - layout didn't get specified name
See the Public API Change Log for full details
Server-side Javascript
- [SV-27149] Undocumented legacy functions will no longer be available in Javascript contexts, except in the Script console
- [SV-27150] Script module - undocumented legacy objects will no longer be available in Script modules created as of Sitevision 5
- [SV-27434] tagName may be defined as a function
WebApps and RESTApps
New features
- [SV-25853] Data Storage - enables data storage for SiteVision WebApps and RESTApps
- [SV-23466] Server side router for the configuration view - enables server rendering with a context
- [SV-25951] Sandboxing for WebApps and RESTApps - restrict the usage of Java code
- [SV-26952] Virtual group selector component in the config view
- [SV-27366] Property to configure max upload size in manifest.json (default is 64mb)
- [SV-27438] Search index selector component in the config view
- [SV-27459] Extend cookie API to support
options - [SV-27382] Expose protocol on the request object
- [SV-26000] appData.get might return a node in cases where a URL-string is expected
- [SV-26227] Double-click on node selector in config migt open multiple dialogs
- [SV-27417] Context node is not set when evaluating RESTApp-events