Release Notes Sitevision 6
Sitevision 6 introduces Sitevision Marketplace - a new way to distribute apps to SiteVision users. Several improvements and bug fixes are also included in the release.
- [SV-25279] Sitevision Marketplace - distribute apps to Sitevision users
Bug fixes
- [SV-28585] OpenID Connect does not work in combination with friendly URL style
- [SV-28623] ''sitevision.environment.type" must be accesible via ScriptUtil.getSystemProperty
- [SV-28918] Add more landing pages to LandingPageUtil
- [SV-28909] Revoke roles using RoleUtil
- [SV-18846] New Permission to move node introduced (affects StructureUtil.moveNode)
- [SV-27917] Requester invocations should require a URL with a valid protocol (http or https)
Bug fixes
- [SV-28690] Nodes of type sv:article can be moved to invalid parent types using StructureUtil
- [SV-28674] Lazy load option does not work for ImageRenderer
- [SV-28580] JCR name must be unique for sv:webApp and sv:restApp
- [SV-28579] sv:restAppRepository is not available as a child of sv:site
See the Public API Change Log for full details