Release Notes Sitevision 7
Sitevision 7 includes several additions to the Public API as well as other improvements and bug fixes. The release includes lots of OAuth2 functionality, a RestAppInvoker utility and a Privileged requireable that enables "do-as" functionality for WebApps/RESTApps via explicit "Service users" on the site.
- [SV-25503] RestAppInvoker - a new utility to execute routes on local RESTApps
- [SV-29652] TextModuleRenderer - new utility to render Text modules (as text, html and "plain" html)
- [SV-27761] Requester - new options for "retry" functionality
- [SV-29569] Requester - new options for OAuth2
- [SV-30157] PermissionUtil - new permission to manage topics
- [SV-30128] NodeTypeUtil - new OAuth2 related node types
- [SV-30143] NodeTypeUtil - new page sub-comment related node types
- [SV-29881] NodeTypeUtil - new topic related node types
- [SV-30128] ResourceLocatorUtil - new method to get the sv:oAuth2ConfigurationRepository
- [SV-29881] ResourceLocatorUtil - new methods to get the sv:topicRepository and sv:externalTopicIntegrationRepository
Bug fixes
- [SV-30201] The sv:collaborationGroup child occurs twice when iterating children of a sv:collaborationGroupPage
- [SV-29969] JWT login requires the "aud" claim, but it's optional according to the specification
See the Public API Change Log for full details
- [SV-29866] New /headless endpoint - JSON info about a page, its children and the page content
- [SV-29866] New /contentNodes endpoint - JSON info about modules (text, image, image slideshow) on a page
- [SV-28120] Support for sv:topic and sv:topicTimelineEntry types in /timelineentries and /comments endpoints
- [SV-28121] Support for sv:topicTimelineEntry type in /likes endpoints
- [SV-30075] Support for sv:pageSubComment type in /comments endpoints
Bug fixes
- [SV-29501] Multi-valued properties could be handled wrong when converted to JSON
- [SV-30091] Entry interactions data could be wrong in /timelineentries, /compoundtimelineentries, and /bookmarkedtimelineentries endpoints when an entry is broken
Bug fixes
- [SV-29819] CSS resource link could be written to page even though WebApp doesn't have any CSS files
WebApps and RESTApps
- [SV-29707] Privileged - new requireable to execute code as a "Service user", i.e. "do-as" functionality in apps
- [SV-29599] OAuth2 - new requireable for OAuth2 functionality in apps
- [SV-30094] Configuration: new OAuth2 configuration selector
- [SV-29750] Configuration: new options to specify types for the metadata selector
- [SV-29901] Configuration: new options to specify selectable nodes in node selectors
- [SV-29929] Configuration: new options to specify selectable nodes in list components
Search and Index
- [SV-29265] New field "pathname" in standard Node index + Path name extractor that can be used in custom indexes
- [SV-29931] New field "languagetag" in standard Node index + Language tag extractor that can be used in custom indexes
Bug fixes
- [SV-29963] Instant reindex triggered from button in edit UI on a page does not include output from WebApps in indexed content
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