Release Notes Sitevision 8.1
Sitevision 8.1 is a minor release in the 8 series that enables sorting of collection datastore results. The release also contains bug fixes and improvements of the APIs.
- [SV-31546] NodeIteratorUtil and NodeFilterUtil - new methods to simplify type-based Node iterations
- [SV-31293] MetadataDefinitionUtil - new methods to update/delete of metadata alternatives
- [SV-27943] ResourceLocatorUtil - new method to get the Trashcan (sv:trashcan)
- [SV-31463] ResourceLocatorUtil - new method to get the Metadata Definition Repository (sv:metadataDefinitionTemplateRepository)
- [SV-31664] LocaleUtil - support for the "ru-UA" Locale (russian in Ukraine)
- [SV-31672] New JCR properties ("maxEntryCharacterCount", "entryTruncateLimit", "maxCollaborationFileSizeInMB") added to sv:site
- [SV-31386] New JCR property ("externalId") added to sv:simpleUser. Read access requires the MANAGE_USERS permission.
Bug fixes
- [SV-31665] LocaleUtil.resolveCountryLocale doesn't resolve the "uk" Locale (Ukrainian) to "uk-UA" (Ukraine)
- [SV-24023] MimeTypeUtil.getExtension doesn't resolve extension for the xlsm MIME (or other MIMEs that contains ".macroEnabled.")
- [SV-31654] RestAppInvoker hits the sandbox if returned JSON contains null
- [SV-31658] RestApi could not invoke DELETE for endpoint /anonymizeuser (resolved by SV-31697)
See the Public API Change Log for full details
- [SV-31697] DELETE anonymizeuser - added new DELETE (also deprecated existing non-restful DELETE)
- [SV-31659] POST timelineentries - added support to share page/entry without message
- [SV-31688] DELETE compoundtimelineentries - new method to hide an entry
- [SV-31689] GET compoundtimelineentries - added new property "isHideable" (to differ between "isRemovable" and "isHideable", see SV-26797)
Bug fixes
- [SV-26797] GET compoundtimelineentries - property "isRemovable" could misleadingly be true (sometimes indicating "is hideable")
Data Storage
- [SV-28671] CollectionDataStore - new find function that includes support for custom sort.
Bug fixes
- [SV-31497] CollectionDataStore.find unexpectedly executed a "match-all" query when no proper query was specified (null, empty, undefined).
Server-side Javascript
Bug fixes
- [SV-31655] Sandbox problems for Enumeration-based methods in PortletRequest and ServletRequest
- [SV-31623] Exception is thrown when invoking console.log with null
Enterprise Search
Bug fixes
- [SV-31490] Custom index with index field using "Sitevision Metadata" as resource type is not properly populated