Release Notes Sitevision 10.2
Sitevision 10.2 is a minor release in the 10 series that contains bug fixes and improvements.
- [SV-32948] Java is updated to Corretto version 8.322.06.2
JCR Model (data/tree backend for Public API and REST API)
- [SV-33537] Schema for indexes of type sv:applicationIndex has been updated (triggers name update). New JCR Node names are:
- User index: 301.user-10.2
- Identity index:
- UGC index: 301.ugc-10.2
Bug fixes
- [SV-33648] The "rawURI" for a sv:link could be a "javascript:void(...)" value (i.e. a sv:link that has a sv:link as target)
Public API
- [SV-33638] ContentNodeUtil - new utility to get the "parents" for a "content node" (e.g. sv:portlet, sv:layout, sv:referenceLayout)
- getContentParent - returns the "content" parent (typically a sv:layout or sv:referenceLayout)
- getRenderableParent - returns the "renderable" parent (typically a sv:page or sv:template).
- Very useful when you need to resolve "the page of a portlet" for a sv:portlet given by the content-node-selector in app config
- [SV-33640] NodeTypeUtil - added methods related to ContentNodeUtil (isAnyContentType, isAnyRenderableType)
- [SV-33700] NodeTypeUtil - added user-related methods (isSimpleUser, isSystemUser, isAnyUserType)
Bug fixes
- [SV-33909] WebContentUtil - fixed bug introduced in 10.1: update methods fails when content contains lists (<ul>/<ol>)
- [SV-33766] GET /timelineentries - now includes the "id" property of "sharedPage"
- [SV-33547] GET /contentnodes - added "caption" property for images
- [SV-33547] GET /headless - added "caption" property for images
- [SV-33690] GET /contentnodes - added support for the video module
- [SV-33690] GET /headless - added support for the video module
Bug fixes
- [SV-33231] GET /notifications could fail to deliver a result if an applicable notification has been deleted
Bug fixes
- [SV-33725] Important XSS fix for WebApps (also released in the 10.1.2 hotfix version)
- [ENV-167] Handle inheritance from Sitevision primary headings.
- [ENV-177] Change focus appearance of items in Dropdown.
Bug fixes
- [ENV-173] Fixed minor issue in Collapse where collapsed margins could make content jump on expand.
Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)
- Envision documentation is available at
- Source is available at
- [SV-33537] Stopwords are removed from all fields in all sv:applicationIndex. This solves problems to search users and identities that has data that corresponds to a stopword (e.g. names "Mina" and "Dina" etc)
Bug fixes
- [SV-33604] The "acl_allow" field was not properly populated for public external data when injected in Custom indexes
- [SV-33524] The Content-Type header of a gz sitemap could misleadingly contain a trailing ";charset=UTF-8"