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Release Notes Sitevision 2022.05.1

Sitevision 2022.05.1 is the first major release after the 10 series. It contains bug fixes and improvements. From now on all releases will use CalVer naming (<year>.<month>.releasenumber).

Public API


  • [SV-33612] PermissionUtil - add new methods to handle permissions related to Publishing projects
  • [SV-33611] PublishingUtil - add restrictions when publishing a node that is part of a Publishing project
  • [SV-33614] TrashcanUtil - add restrictions when deleting a node that is part of a Publishing project
  • [SV-33613] WebContentUtil - add restrictions when creating/updating a node that is part of a Publishing project
  • [SV-34179] Mail - new method to send mail asynchronously

Bug fixes



  • [SV-33107] Added "requiredLibs" support for React 18.1.0



  • [ENV-191] Increased default width for popovers
  • [ENV-189] Added option for combining Block Button with icon
  • [ENV-187] Removed redundant aria attributes from documentation examples
  • [ENV-180] Added option to set icon above text in Button
  • [ENV-155] Collapse with both data-target and href will now prioritize data-target

Bug fixes

  • [ENV-188] Cursor pointer on hover was missing in some cases for menus
  • [ENV-185] Checkboxes could get wrong size for font-sizes not 1em
  • [ENV-184] Replaced deprecated property clip in assistive classes

Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)


  • [SV-31505] When a page is published, all potential structure pages of that page are also re-indexed

Bug fixes

  • [SV-33738] Indexing can potentially end up in a neverending loop when indexing a compressed file


Bugs / Improvements

  • [SV-25070] The "X-Frame-Options" settings for a page will get its parents settings at creation