Release Notes Sitevision 2022.11.1
Sitevision 2022.11.1 contains infrastructure updates and bug fixes
- [SV-34803] Java is updated to Corretto version 8.352.08.1
- [SV-34722] Moment.js is updated to version 2.29.4
- [SV-34306] WebApp caching optimization to minimize overall memory footprint. From now only the "active" WebApp versions will be cached. This also implies that inactive WebApp versions potentially will have an increased render time (e.g. in the Addon view).
- [SV-33874] Updated anchor rendering in the text module (uses <a> name instead of <div> id)
Bug fixes
- [SV-34823] Mail logging issues for mails sent to multiple recipients (raw mail bin dump wouldn't always be persisted for all mails)
Public API
Bug fixes
- [SV-34897] MailBuilder/Mail - from address specified in "mailbox format" would be ignored if actual mail was sent using DKIM
WebApps and RESTApps
Bug fixes
- [SV-34812] [SV-34830] App config UI "select2" selector triggers two change events instead of just one
- [ENV-211] Added rendering options in Tag select
- [ENV-212] Added options for handling items and options in Tag select
- [ENV-214] Removed CSS workaround for focus-visible
- [ENV-215] Minor adjustments to default border radiuses for some components
Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)
- Envision documentation is available at
- Source is available at
Existing custom solutions(*) that queries the UGC index should typically add a new filter query ASAP to prevent "message entries" to show up unexpectedly in search results in the near future!
Filter query is:
-svtype:messageentry -svtype:messagecomment
(* Examples of applicable custom solution: WebApp, RESTApp or Script that uses Searcher in the API to query the UGC index. Also applies to REST API consumers/clients that calls the GET /search endpoint of the UGC index )