Release Notes Sitevision 2024.04.2
Sitevision 2024.04.2 contains Dashboard with Widgets support, bug fixes and API improvements
- [SV-35904] [SV-35904] Official release of Dashboard and Widgets
- [SV-36869] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.87
Dashboard tech preview has ended! The Dashboard and Widgets functionality is now officially released for all - without any license requirements
JCR Model (data/tree backend for Public API and REST API)
- [SV-36958] Added the sv:cssRuleRepository as new child of the sv:site. The Css Rule Repository children are sv:cssRule Nodes
Public API
- [SV-37002] VersionedRestApi - introducing a new RestApi sibling to execute endpoints of the local REST API in a specific version
- [SV-36958] ResourceLocatorUtil - added new method to get the CssRuleRepository of the site
- [SV-36958] NodeTypeUtil - added constants for the CssRuleRepository type and the CssRule type
Bug fixes
- [SV-37003] GET /types could fail if the site had an unpublished sv:template in the template tree
- [SV-29251] Added support for i18n in RESTApps
- [SV-36987] Added new
function to i18n. The function provides a i18n for a specific locale (instead of the implicit contextual locale).
Bug fixes
- [SV-36832] Fixed indexing bug. Full reindex of the UGC index could fail if a sv:pageComment was made online on a sv:template by a site editor
- [SV-37040] [SV-37035] Fixed sitemaps problem. An individual sitemap xml file for a site could contain more than 50 000 entries. Such file would be rejected by Google