Release Notes Sitevision 2024.08.1
Sitevision 2024.08.1 contains AI tech preview and toggle to enable the new client resource loading scheme for improved Pagespeed
- [SV-36059] UI setting to activate a new loading scheme for client resources ("slimRender") - typically improves Pagespeed
- [SV-37288] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.91
Tech preview
The 2024.08.1 release contains a preview of new AI functionality in Sitevision
- [SV-37125] Initial release of AI functionality
- [SV-37181] JCR Model: Added the sv:llmConfigurationRepository as new child of the sv:site. Children are sv:llmConfiguration Nodes
- [SV-37181] API: ResourceLocatorUtil - added lookup method for the sv:llmConfigurationRepository Node
- [SV-37181] App SDK: ai requireable with generate text functionality
- [SV-37181] App Config: added LLM Configuration selector component
Public API
- [SV-37187] LinkRenderer - added support for aria attributes
Bug fixes
- [SV-37310] LinkRenderer - data attribute could be duplicated if set both with data prefix and without
WebApps, Widgets and RESTApps
- [SV-37248] Restricted validation of property keys in appDataDefaults.json (
is prohibited inappData
is prohibited inglobalAppData