Release Notes Sitevision 2024.09.2
This release introduces new personalization capabilities. It also contains API updates and bug fixes for WebApps and RESTApps.
- [SV-37383] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.93
Tech preview
AI functionality tech preview started in 2024.08.1. Preview continues in the 2024.09.2 release
JCR Model (data/tree backend for Public API and REST API)
- [SV-37318] Schema for the User Index has been updated. This will trigger a full reindex shortly after first startup of Sitevision after upgrade. Note that identifier lookups/resolve via REST-API and Public API of this sv:applicationIndex Node are affected!
- New JCR Node identifier is: 301.user-2024.09.2
- Previous JCR Node identifier was: 301.user-10.2
- New JCR Node identifier is: 301.user-2024.09.2
- [SV-37318] Schema for the User Identity Index has been updated. This will trigger a full reindex shortly after first startup of Sitevision after upgrade. Note that identifier lookups/resolve via REST-API and Public API of this sv:applicationIndex Node are affected!
- New JCR Node identifier is:
- Previous JCR Node identifier was:
- New JCR Node identifier is:
- [SV-37189] Added sv:targetAudienceRepository as child of sv:site. This new repository has sv:targetAudience as children.
Public API
- [SV-37192] TargetAudienceUtil - new utility to resolve target audiences
Bux fixes
- [SV-24256] WebContentUtil - fixed list bug (now properly handles both <ol> and <ul>)
WebApps, Widgets and RESTApps
- [SV-37283] New Sitevision components for config UI: target-audience-selector and target-audience-list
- [SV-37416] Improved error message when deploying an app with invalid i18n bundle files
- [SV-29823] Added mutability support for req.session within beforeRender in hooks
Bug fixes
- [SV-37131] Links in globalAppData are not available in the ONLINE version (a sv:link is typically set using the link-selector UI component)
Bug fixes
- [SV-37459] Links in appData are not available in the ONLINE version (a sv:link is typically set using the link-selector UI component)
- [SV-37488] Prevent infinite event loop - any event that is triggered as side effect by just loading the index.js of a RESTApp will now be completely ignored. Error message that is logged will explicitly state that this is a badly implemented app (mutation code that triggers an event should never be placed outside of all routes, middleware and event callbacks).
- [SV-37318] Added new targetaudiences field to the User Index
- [SV-37318] Added new targetaudiences field to the User Identity Index
- [SV-28212] Faceted search: added new facet type - tags (filter result by page tags)
- [SV-37448] Faceted search: tag metadata facets now renders the tag title (previously rendered the tag name)
Bug fixes
- [SV-37388] Faceted search: fixed problems with facet links when using the new resource loading mode
- [ENV-307] Pagination now supports buttons.
- [ENV-309] Dialog is now opened in place. Option added for moving it to body.
Bug fixes, refinements
- [ENV-308] Attribute xlink:href in icons has been replaced by href.
Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)
- Envision documentation is available at
- Source is available at