Release Notes Sitevision 2024.11.1
This release contains infrastructure updates and bug fixes.
- [SV-37431] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.96
- [SV-37175] Update the HTTP Client used by Requester et al (4.5.2 => 4.5.14)
Bug fixes
- [SV-37636] The X-Frame-Options header could have a SAMEORIGIN value for a bad request, event though the Error Page of the site was explicitly configured to not set any value
Tech preview
AI functionality tech preview started in 2024.08.1. Preview continues in the 2024.11.1 release and more updates are made
- [SV-37585] Improved Markdown support when communicating with an AI service
- [SV-37651] Change default timeout when communicating with an AI service
Public API
Bug fixes
- [SV-37641] WebContentUtil - Fixed Exception that could occur when resolving log message
- [SV-37579] PublishingUtil - Publish/Unpublish did not always execute in the offline version
- [SV-37579] PublishingUtil - Page could be unpublished twice if unpublish date was missing
Bug fixes
- [SV-37404] Link object setup in the Addon view config could be shared between multiple WebApp instances
Bug fixes
- [SV-37693] User data in User index was not always reindexed when properties of the sv:simpleUser was modified via the REST API