How do I find the error page of the site?

LandingPageUtil provides methods to find the 404 page, the 401 page and others

LandingPageUtil has methods to find globally configured pages of the site. For example the "Error page" (404) and the "Login page" (401).

Step 1 - Get an instance of LandingPageUtil

For WebApp/RESTApp 2; use import:

import landingPageUtil from '@sitevision/api/server/LandingPageUtil';

For Script module and WebApp/RESTApp 1; use require:

const landingPageUtil = require('LandingPageUtil');

Step 2 - Make use of LandingPageUtil

// Get hold of the error page
const the404Page = landingPageUtil.getErrorPage();

// Get hold of the login page
const the401Page = landingPageUtil.getLoginPage();

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