Release Notes Sitevision 2023.03.1
Sitevision 2023.03.1 contains infrastructure upgrades, bug fixes, improvements and support for 301 redirects in hooks.
- [SV-35370] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.73
- [SV-35412] Velocity support in the robots.txt SEO site settings
- [SV-33343] Improved Pagespeed - added pre compression (zip and brotli) of static resources to diminish resource download weight
- [SV-35393] Improved Pagespeed - inlined docready script (i.e. no js file needs to be downloaded)
- [SV-35393] Improved Pagespeed - inlined appregistry script (i.e. no js file needs to be downloaded)
Public API
Bug fixes
- [SV-35380] Objects returned from CollectionsInstance could trigger SandboxException
WebApps and RESTApps
- [SV-35354] Added the req.updateSession() function to propagate session state between intertwined apps
Bug fixes
- [SV-34987] Unable to save singlevalued/multivalued metadata in site settings when an app is selected in the Addon view
- [SV-33375] Added support for 301 redirects in pre-render hooks (added optional param in res.redirect)
Bug fixes
- [SV-29408] Fixed proper status code for
requests. For example: a request to a non-existing route previously returned 200 (OK), now a proper status code is returned (e.g. 404 Not Found)
Bug fixes
- [SV-35326] Fixed lost update bug for session state when a RESTApp is invoked server-side via RestAppInvoker
- [ENV-240] Improved Pagespeed - Added pre compression (zip and brotli) of files on build
- [ENV-237] Updated instructions for setting up local development environment
- [ENV-238] New variables for link underline in blocks
Bug fixes
- [ENV-242] Icon button could have fractions of text visible when it shouldn't
Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)
- Envision documentation is available at
- Source is available at