Welcome to the World of Sitevision Development!
Tech preview: AI SDK with Text Generation
In Sitevision 2024.08.1, we’re previewing our new AI SDK.
Getting started with the types API
The types REST API endpoint is available as of Sitevision 2023.11.1 and its accompanying "pin/unpin content" friend is available as of Sitevision 2024.01.1
Specify expected file size in the manifest
As of the last Sitevision release (Cloud and On-prem), zero is accepted as valid value for the maxUploadSizeInMB in the manifest. From now on we recommend to always specify maxUploadSizeInMB.
Increased Envision usage in built-in Sitevision modules - Part 2
Sitevision 2023.09.1 continues on the Envision migration path that was started in Sitevision 2023.07.1. This time inline styling of built-in modules has been replaced with Envision classes.