Developer news
Tech preview: AI SDK with Text Generation
In Sitevision 2024.08.1, we’re previewing our new AI SDK.
Getting started with the types API
The types REST API endpoint is available as of Sitevision 2023.11.1 and its accompanying "pin/unpin content" friend is available as of Sitevision 2024.01.1
Specify expected file size in the manifest
As of the last Sitevision release (Cloud and On-prem), zero is accepted as valid value for the maxUploadSizeInMB in the manifest. From now on we recommend to always specify maxUploadSizeInMB.
Increased Envision usage in built-in Sitevision modules - Part 2
Sitevision 2023.09.1 continues on the Envision migration path that was started in Sitevision 2023.07.1. This time inline styling of built-in modules has been replaced with Envision classes.
Increased Envision usage in built-in Sitevision modules - Part 1
Sitevision comes with approximately 150 modules that have been around for years. The time has now come for these modules to start using Envision for CSS styling. Changes in Sitevision 2023.07.1 are the first baby steps on this future path.
Propagation of session between intertwined apps
As of Sitevision 2022.03.1 there are a new updateSession function to propagate session state between intertwined apps (typically a WebApp that executes a RESTApp via RestAppInvoker).
TypeScript support in @sitevision/create-sitvision-app
Our command line utility has gone through som major refactoring and now has built in support for TypeScript
Validation in WebApp configuration
As of Sitevision 2022.09.1 it will be easier to display error messages in the app configuration panel.
SRI for external resources
As of Sitevision 2022.08.1 it will be possible to add SRI checks to external resources.
Content security policy and inline javascript
As of Sitevision 2022.08.1 it is possible to use a CSP without the unsafe-inline attribute for javascripts.
Multilingual WebApp names
As of Sitevision 10.1 you can deploy WebApps with different names in different languages.
Protect your WebApp against CSRF-attacks
Sitevision 9.1 introduces a way to protect your apps against CSRF-attacks.
Bundled apps
Sitevision 9 introduces improved support for bundled apps. A step which we believe will boost developer experience and simplify building rich Sitevision apps with modern web libraries.
Changes to Envision in Sitevision 8.2
Envision is adopting CSS variables (CSS custom properties) .
Webpack and Sitevision
All modules bundled with Sitevision will, from now on, be built using webpack.
The importance of using a proper REST API URL
We have noticed that several consumers of the Sitevision Model REST API are using suspicious/bad URL:s. Most likely unintentionally. This article a friendly reminder of how a REST API URL should be properly expressed.
WebApp CSS class names
The enclosing markup of WebApps will be more predictable as of Sitevision 7.2.
OAuth2 integrations made super simple
Ever wondered of all technical considerations regarding OAuth2? Where do you store access tokens and refresh tokens safely? How do you declare a redirect uri? Do you need state, nonce or PKCE? Or all of them? Sitevision makes this really simple. We'll handle the details and you just focus on creating awesome apps.
Technology preview: Sitevision 5 beta
Sitevision 5 is soon here but a beta version for testing is available today!
Upcoming Sitevision 5 and web performance
Sitevision 5 will make a giant leap in measurable performance.
Technology preview: DataStorage
Get a preview of the new proposed data storage API:s that will be officially released in a future Sitevision version.
We proudly present WebApps and RESTApps
The Sitevision 4.5 release include WebApps and RESTApps - a revolutionary technique to develop new modules and extend existing behaviour and API of a website.
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