Release Notes Sitevision 7.2
Sitevision 7.2 is a minor update in the 7 series that contains some event improvements, API improvements and bug fixes. It also contains a Tomcat upgrade.
- [SV-30703] Tomcat is upgraded to 8.5.57
- Resolves [SV-30833] Tomcat might randomly use wrong TimeZone for date headers
- [SV-30427] jQuery is bumped to 3.5.11
- [SV-30672] MetaDataUtil - support for tag metadata
- [SV-30107] PropertyUtil and Properties - support for tag metadata
- [SV-30722] LocaleUtil - lenient language resolve in getNativeLanguageNameByString
- [SV-30775] MimeTypeUtil - support for yaml-files and toml files
Bug fixes
- [SV-30538] Prohibit rendering of "current page" in OutputUtil.getNodeOutput (avoid never-ending loops)
- [SV-30541] Security: Explicitly check that "page part node" is present on "page node" in OutputUtil.getNodeOutput(PageNode, PagePartNode, int). This has always been a documented requirement but was not properly checked before.
- [SV-30515] Requester - problems when using a JCR Node as oAuth2 property
- [SV-30829] SearchResult - getExactCount and getEffectiveCount could return invalid value for search results of the UGC index
See the Public API Change Log for full details
- [SV-30547] More forgiving resolve of REST API URL:s - allow raw/non-escaped chars (colon, pipe, wildcard) that should have been JCR-escaped to actually match a JCR name path. (Raw square brackets is also supported but requires explicit enabling in Tomcat, e.g. "relaxedPathChars")
- [SV-29272] Events for binaries (files and images)
Bug fixes
- [SV-29846] Mutating operations during event processing fails due to node locking problems
- [SV-30494] Name of template is added as classname for the <html> element
- [SV-30065] Remove "ie-hacks.js" (legacy file for IE 8 and older)
- [SV-30062] UI setting to enable more efficient CSS "spacing" rendering (only include spacings used for actual page)
- [SV-30061] Cleanup of classes in sitevision.css (move defs used by unusual/one-per-site modules)