Release Notes Sitevision 8
Sitevision 8 introduces Cache API for Webapps/RESTApps and more developer-centric logging and monitoring. The release also includes several improvements and bug fixes.
- [SV-31285] Tomcat is upgraded to 8.5.59
- [SV-30902] Coretto is upgraded to
- [SV-30545] All logging via the API (LogUtil and new console.log) will be written to a daily separate file (app.log)
- [SV-30275] Default SSL keystore is renamed and moved to a location that is always included/overwritten in new SiteVision installations/upgrades
- [SV-27139] Completely remove RdfImport (was deprecated and closed as of SiteVision 5)
- [SV-30725] Minor performance improvement when a method of a class in the API is invoked
- [SV-30795] MimeTypeUtil - support for avif files
- [SV-31390] MimeTypeUtil - support for drawio files
- [SV-31343] MimeTypeUtil - support for mpd files
- [SV-31204] Introduced new property "tagTitle" on sv:tag Nodes
- [SV-30818] Introduced new property "allowWebUsers" on sv:site Nodes
- [SV-31474] (8.0.1) LocaleUtil - added support for the ru-BY Locale (russian language in Belarus)
Bug fixes
- [SV-30754] TranslationUtil.getTranslatedFrom might falsely return null for a copied translated page with new origin set
- [SV-31243] (8.0.1) and NodeIterator.nextNode() could throw exception (that also couldn't be handled at all in scripts due to Sandboxing)
See the Public API Change Log for full details
- [SV-31179] Support for JSON in entries and comments ("messageFormat" property in /comments, /timelineEntries, /compoundTimelineEntries and /bookmarkedTimelineEntries)
- [SV-30818] More forgiving/robust handling of POST /simpleuser (silently ignore null values)
- [SV-31051] Introducing "attachments" property for GET /comments (resource data for comments with attached files/images)
- [SV-30824] License/feature "Social collaboration" is no longer required to GET /comments for sv:pageComment
Bug fixes
- [SV-31394] Security fixes for some REST API operations on social collaboration data
WebApps and RESTApps
- [SV-28763] Cache API for apps
- [SV-31313] Support for server-side Javascript console logging (e.g. console.log, console.debug,, console.warn, console.error)
Bug fixes
- [SV-31243] (8.0.1) and NodeIterator.nextNode() could throw exception (that also couldn't be handled at all due to Sandboxing)
- [SV-30664] Support in client requester to send files over ajax
- [SV-31172] Add server-side router.getUrl and router.getStandaloneUrl (as already existing in client-side)
Bug fixes
- [SV-31122] Client-side i18n does not return key (as server-side does) when localized text is missing
- [SV-31040] Error in server log when processing a POST in WebApps that uses pre-render hooks
- [SV-30799] New version of WebApp is not initialized with Global AppData from previous version
- [SV-31320] WebApp that is copied faild to keep proper reference to linkpages (that is configured in UI via page-selector)
Bug fixes
- [SV-31818] Creating a sv:simpleUser via the REST API should only trigger a sv:simpleuser:create event (not also occasionally a sv:simpleuser:update).
- [SV-30951] More robust svDocReady (should handle missing functions silently instead of failing)