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Release Notes Sitevision 2023.11.1.2

Sitevision 2023.11.1.2 is a patch release that contains fixes for temp file handling of file data uploaded to WebApps/RESTApps.

WebApps and RESTApps


  • [SV-36439] Zero is now a valid value for maxUploadSizeInMB in the manifest file. A zero value states that the app doesn't handle any files that are potentially part of the request.
  • [SV-36438] Temp files created when uploaded to apps will now be reaped more often. Typically after 15 minutes.


Bug fixes

  • [SV-36436] Temp files for WebApps could potentially be processed when rendering the error page of the site.

Sitevision 2023.11.1.2 is a Cloud release only. Though, the fixes in this patch release are also available in the on-prem release 2023.10.1.4