Release Notes Sitevision 2024.02.1
Sitevision 2024.02.1 contains infrastructure updates, fixes and a development preview of the upcoming Dashboard and Widget concept
- [SV-36613] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.85
- [SV-36744] Underscore is updated to 1.13.6 server-side
- [SV-36746] Underscore is updated to 1.13.6 client-side
- [SV-36592] The Image module now renders the width and height attributes (still also renders the max-width and max-height style attributes). This will typically improve Pagespeed and the score in some Performance measurement tools
Tech preview
- [SV-35903] [SV-35904] Tech preview release of Dashboard. A concept where WebApps of type "widget" can be rendered in the edit UI to display data and provide functionality to help editors and admins improve the site. Using Dashboard and widgets requires a specific license during the tech preview period
JCR Model (data/tree backend for Public API and REST API)
- [SV-36715] Added new property "selectorText" for sv:listStyle Nodes
Public API
- [SV-35903] Added Dashboard and Widgets related functionality to the Public API
- [ENV-27] Introducing new Dynamic font component and Container
Bug fixes, refinements
- [ENV-287] Colored rows and cells in Tabel is now deprecated
- [ENV-288] Improved performance in Collapse show
Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)
- Envision documentation is available at
- Source is available at