WebApps 2

Key-value Data Store

Data in a key-value data store is stored and retrieved using a key that uniquely identifies the record.


The data storage API is available in WebApps and RESTApps.

// retrieve an instance of the storage API
const storage = require('storage');
// get a key-value store
// if no store exists with the provided name, one will be created
// (note: the name must also be explicitly registered in the app's manifest.json)
const keyValueStore = storage.getKeyValueDataStore('myStore');

API variants [@since 5.2]

The data storage API is available in two variants. One is callback-based whereas the other is callback-free. Please note that both variants execute synchronously, which probably makes the callback-free approach easier to work with.

put(key, data, callback)

Stores data associated with a key




A key to uniquely identify the record


JSON data to store


Called after execution. The first parameter of the callback will contain an error object if an error occurred, undefined otherwise. The second parameter will contain the current data stored on the key.

const config = {
   name: 'Foo',
   title: 'Bar'

keyValueStore.put('config', config, (err, data) => {
   if (err) {
   // handle error
   // data --> 
      dsid: 'config', 
      name: 'Foo', 
      dstimestamp: 1554472667609, 
      title: 'Bar'

If a property is set to null, the property will be removed

get(key, callback)

Gets data associated with a key




A key to retrieve data from


Called after execution. The first parameter of the callback will contain an error object if an error occurred, undefined otherwise. The second parameter will contain the data associated with the key.

keyValueStore.get('config', (err, data) => {
   if (err) {
   // handle error

remove(key, callback)

Removes data associated with a key




A key to identify data to remove


Called after execution. The first parameter of the callback will contain an error object if an error occurred, undefined otherwise. The second parameter will contain the removed data.

keyValueStore.remove('config', (err, data) => {
   if (err) {
   // handle error
   // ...