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Release Notes Sitevision 9

Sitevision 9 introduces Bundled apps and React support. The release also includes several Envision improvements and bug fixes.



  • [SV-27132] Tomcat is upgraded to 9.0.45
  • [SV-32116] Coretto Java is upgraded to
  • [SV-31683] Rhino is upgraded to 1.7.13

Tomcat Note! The legacy "compressableMimeType" attribute in server.xml must be renamed to official "compressibleMimeType" to keep working properly. Tomcat previously accepted and handled both names but now the official one must be used (the legacy one is unhandled, i.e. completely discarded).

Public API


  • [SV-32129] Improved performance for External Repository JCR Node-paths with targeted sv:simpleUser

Bug fixes

  • [SV-32119] Some jpeg images could be rotated wrong when uploaded to Sitevision



  • [SV-32037] GET tagtimelineentries - new endpoint to get entries for a sv:tag

WebApps and RESTApps


  • [SV-32313] Bundled apps - an alternate way of structuring and building apps (requirement to build React apps)
  • [SV-31729] Allow access/usage of React bundled with Sitevision (new "requiredLibs" section in manifest.json)
    • [SV-32138] Provide React render function ("agnosticRender")
    • [SV-32196] Bump provided React (17.0.1 => 17.0.2)
  • [APP-726] Update create-sitevision-app with support for Bundled apps and React
  • [SV-30285] Introduce default appData values (new "appDataDefaults.json" file)
  • [SV-32131] New UI/config list component for user field selection ("userfield-list")
  • [SV-32096] Initial support for the "csrfProtection" property in manifest.json (explicit usage of this property for apps will be implemented in a later version as SV-30661)

Bug fixes

  • [SV-31500] UI/config components "color-selector" and "font-selector" did not respect current user roles properly


Bug fixes

  • [SV-32115] OutputUtil.getNodeOutput crashes when used from a RESTApp to render an Image portlet



  • [ENV-51] Cards & cardholder: A new collection of container classes that may be used for building grids that adapt to the available space, and stretches to align both horizontally and vertically.
  • [APP-699] Modal alerts: Modal dialog with Alert styling.
  • [ENV-49] Modal inner/outer scroll: Modal dialogs may now be configured to scroll outside as before or inside the dialog body.
  • [ENV-77] Icon buttons: Icons in buttons have been updated so icons no longer stretch the size of the button. Icons will have a fixed size relative to the selected button size. Buttons with visually hidden text showing only an icon will have equal width and height.
  • [ENV-62] Connected border-radiuses: The general setting for border-radius will control all border-radiuses. Setting it to zero will remove border radius for all components.
  • [ENV-64] Toasts: A new component that may be used for messages of less importance that require no action from the user.

Bug fixes

  • [SV-32007] Explicit indexing support for tag metadata. Multiple tags metadata should be indexed as individual values, as other multi-valued metadata are. The tagName for each value will be indexed. Previously tag metadata values were implicitly indexed as if it was generic text metadata. Typically this would result in a single-valued, comma-separated String of "display names", i.e tagTitle values (Note! to use new behaviour for already indexed pages requires manual re-index of affected pages. Typically via a full reindex of site)