Release Notes Sitevision 2024.01.1
Sitevision 2024.01.1 contains infrastructure updates, work status indexing and elevations support in the REST API.
- [SV-36331] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.84
- [SV-36313] Java Wrapper Service is updated to 3.5.54
- [SV-36210] Remove browser-specific prefixes (-moz, -webkit, -khtml, -ms, -o) from bundled third-party CSS files to diminish payload and improve Pagespeed
- [SV-36256] Remove usages of the obsolete ielayoutfix CSS class from the rendering templates of built-in modules. The ancient Internet Explorer CSS class was removed in the 2023.11.1 release.
- [SV-36147] The jQuery fancyBox plugin is removed from the Sitevision distribution. Sitevision modules and functions that previously used fancybox now uses Envision image viewer.
- [SV-35995] Introduce the pin/unpin concept in the edit UI for modules. The name and technical identifier are immutable for a pinned module. This can be used to enforce a strict name schema for data provided by the types endpoint of the REST API.
Bug fixes
- [SV-36240] The Content-Disposition header of a streaming video response could include illegal characters
- [SV-36332] HTTP request of robots.txt was not redirected to HTTPS
- [SV-36351] The DigestMethod of SAML metadata does not always match the setting of the SAML filter
JCR Model (data/tree backend for Public API and REST API)
- [SV-36535] Schema for the User Identity Index has been updated. This will trigger a name update and a full reindex will start shortly after first startup of Sitevision after upgrade. Note that identifier lookups/resolve via REST-API and Public API of this sv:applicationIndex Node are affected!
- New JCR Node identifier is:
- Previous JCR Node identifier was:
- New JCR Node identifier is:
- [SV-35588] A sv:userIdentity should not have to be a topic member to access a non-private sv:topic
Public API
- [SV-36316] NodeTypeUtil - Add metadata definition types that was missing and add new isAnyMetadataDefinitionType convenience method
- [SV-35997] PermissionUtil.Permission - Added the MANAGE_TYPES_IDENTIFIERS and MANAGE_PINNING permissions
Bug fixes
- [SV-35631] Fixed proper file size. First file that was uploaded to a versioned folder could falsely be denoted as empty (the length property was falsely zero). Such file could not be used via FileUtil.
- [SV-30745] GET /elevations - new endpoint that provides elevations data for sv:nodeIndex
- [SV-36573] POST/DELETE /workstatus - allow callers with MANAGE_USER_IDENTITIES permission to mutate work status for other sv:userIdentity than self
- ENV-279 - Envision for Dashboard Widgets
- ENV-282 - Fixes for focus outline in Image Viewer 2 lightbox
Bug fixes, refinements
- ENV-284 - New option for Dropdown placement
- ENV-281 - Fix for Dropdown not always opening in Safari
Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)
- Envision documentation is available at
- Source is available at
- [SV-36535] Added indexing of work status data in the User Identity Index. Three new fields added (workstatus, workstatus.analyzed, workstatusexpires) that allows querying of statuses for sv:userIdentity's of the site.
Bug fixes
- [SV-36176] Fixed overflow bug - scheduled search report could contain negative value for number of hits
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