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Release Notes Sitevision 2024.03.1

Sitevision 2024.03.1 contains infrastructure updates, bug fixes and new messages and channel functionality in API and REST API



  • [SV-36770] Tomcat is updated to 9.0.86
  • [SV-36782] Backbone is updated to latest version for legacy Intranet modules ("Social collaboration" v1 modules)

Dashboard tech preview period continues (started in 2024.02.1). A concept where WebApps of type "widget" can be rendered in the edit UI to display data and provide functionality to help editors and admins improve the site. Using Dashboard and widgets requires a specific license during the tech preview period.

Developers are encouraged to get a head start - create and implement the widgets you need before the tech preview period ends and Dashboard is officially released!

JCR Model (data/tree backend for Public API and REST API)


  • [SV-36216] Added new property "archived" for sv:listStyle Nodes

Public API


  • [SV-36629] ChannelWrapper - new utility to admin members of a channel (node of type sv:topic)
  • [SV-36800] MimeTypeUtil - added MIME support for the ".mjs", ".ggs" and ".opus" file extensions
  • [SV-36849] Updated WebContentUtil with new methods to remove all content of a page

Bug fixes

  • [SV-36833] PropertyComparators of NodeComparatorUtil could sort letter W before letter V for swedish Locale ("sv" / "sv-SE")



  • [SV-36626] Added endpoints for channels and messages
    • GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /channelmessages
    • GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /directmessages
    • GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /messagereplies

WebApps and RESTApps



Bug fixes

  • [SV-36045] Execution order for WebApps in the hooks phase was random. The execution order will now be identical for sub-sequent page rendering
  • [SV-36847] Appresource requests from a WebApp that was just added to a page could miss some expected data. Problem applies for client-rendered WebApps that retrieves data via ajax and router.getStandaloneUrl


Bug fixes

  • [SV-36109] Publishing events could be emitted to RESTApps before actual page publishing process was finished. Bug fix is generic, i.e. applies for all type of System events


Bug fixes, refinements

  • [ENV-289] Fix possible script error in Accordion component

Envision is an open source UI Library for Sitevision (MIT License)