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AppInfo [@since 4.5.3]

The appInfo object contains information about the executing RESTApp. Use require('appInfo') to retrieve the object.

const appInfo = require('appInfo');
// =>
   "appVersion": "1.0.0",
   "maxUploadSizeInMB": 64,
   "appHelpURL": "",
   "addon": {
      "displayName": "test",
      "jcr:uuid": "188.54689742166fccd0c535",
      "jcr:primaryType": "sv:headlessCustomModule"
   "appName": "RESTApp information",
   "appDescription": "A simple RESTApp",
   "certificate": {
      "signee": "Sitevision",
      "signed": true
   "active": true,
   "runtime": {
      "sitevisionVersion": "2023.04.2",
      "environmentType": "prod",
      "scriptEngineLanguageVersion": 200,
      "scriptEngineName": "Mozilla Rhino",
      "serverName": "Sitevision Server",
      "scriptEngineVersion": "Rhino 1.7.12 2020 01 13"
   "jcr:uuid": "361.3af39f1675e3ddd2d1a",
   "requirePrivileged": false,
   "storage": {
      "collectionDataStore": [
      "keyValueDataStore": "kvstore"
   "appIdentifier": "myRestApp",
   "appAuthor": "Sitevision AB",
   "appType": "RESTApp",
   "appImportDate": 1543476548491,
   "jcr:primaryType": "sv:restApp",
   "csrfProtection": true
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