WebApps 2
i18n bundles are stored in the /i18n directory using a JSON format. The name of the file decides the language. A WebApp inherits locale from the containing page.
// en.json
"settings": "Settings",
"welcomeTo": "Welcome to {0}!",
"bye": "Bye!"
// sv.json
"settings": "Inställningar",
"welcomeTo": "Välkommen till {0}!",
"bye": "Hejdå!"
Retrieving the translations
i18n.get(key [, varSubstitution...])
Retrieve the localized value (current render context determines applicable bundle).
import i18n from '@sitevision/api/common/i18n';
const logWelcome = () => {
console.log(i18n.get('welcomeTo', 'Sitevision'));
// Welcome to Sitevision!
// - or -
// Välkommen till Sitevision!
const logBye = () => {
// Bye!
// - or -
// Hejdå!