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Addons management

WebApps are managed in the Addon-view of the Sitevision editor. Sitevision provides two types of addons. The first type is Custom Module, which is a container for WebApps. The second is Headless Custom Module, which is a container for RESTApps.

Right-click an Addon and select "Properties" to configure the Custom Module.

Properties for a Custom Module

General - Information

Displays basic data about the Custom Module and enables change of name.

General - Settings

Settings for a Custom Module

Editorial information

Configuration of module category (i.e. what category should this Custom Module should use in the edit UI module selector).

Security - Permission

Permission configuration for a Custom Module


Configuration of roles (i.e. what roles can use this Custom Module should in the edit UI).

Privileged Actions

Settings to allow apps of this Headless Custom Module to execute code as a Service user via the SDK: privileged.

The "manage service users" permission is required in order to set up Service users on the site settings and to use/select them is a Headless Custom Module. Users without this permission will no see The Privileged Action settings at all.

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