Name | Type and description |
jcrSession | |
The JCR Session | |
portlet | |
This portlet. See properties below | |
request | javax.portlet.PortletRequest |
The portlet request | |
sitevisionUtils | |
The main entry point to all utility classes |
Name | Type and Description |
activeFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
A Node that has the property selectorText (java.lang.String) - the css class name of the active font. (NOTE! activeFont will only be available if useActiveFont == true) | |
image | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
A Node that has property URI (java.lang.String) - the relative URL to the image. (NOTE! image will only be available if useImage == true) | |
menuRoot | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
The root node from where the menu should be rendered. The node is based on the actual start node configuration of the portlet (i.e. other startpage, startpage from metadata, show parent if empty). Note that menuRoot might be null. | |
normalFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
A Node that has property selectorText (java.lang.String) - the css class name of the font | |
nonce | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
The nonce attribute value for the current request | |
useActiveFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not a different font should be used for current page | |
useIcons | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to use the Site's setting for icons and descriptions (i.e. "open in new window" icon, "external link" icon, "PDF" icon etc) | |
useImage | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to use an Image |