Predefined search
Name | Type and description |
jcrSession | |
The JCR Session | |
portlet | |
This portlet. See properties below | |
request | javax.portlet.PortletRequest |
The portlet request | |
searchResult | |
The search result | |
sitevisionUtils | |
The main entry point to all utility classes | |
velocityEvaluator | |
A evaluator that can parse Velocity templates or Velocity expressions on the fly |
Name | Type and Description |
evaluatePredefinedSearchQuery | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether predefinedSearchQuery should be evaluated via Velocity or not | |
predefinedSearchQuery | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
The search query expression | |
includeArticles | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to include articles in the search result | |
includeFiles | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to include files in the search result | |
includeImages | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to include images in the search result | |
includePages | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to include pages in the search result | |
includeStructurePages | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to include structure pages in the search result | |
errorMessage | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
An i18n:ized message describing why search could not be executed | |
searchErrorFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
The search error font Node (sv:font) | |
showSearchError | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to show search errors or no hits messages | |
lastPublishedField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the last published field | |
mimetypeField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the mime type field | |
nameField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the name field | |
namepathField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the name path field | |
siteField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the site field | |
sizeField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the size field | |
summaryField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the summary field | |
titleField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the title field | |
uriField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the relative URL field | |
urlField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Name of the absolute URL field | |
maxSearchHits | javax.jcr.PropertyType.LONG |
Maximum number of search hits | |
useMaxSearchHits | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to limit number of search hits | |
headingField | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
What field to fetch the heading text from ("nameField" or "titleField", see Index fields section above) | |
searchHitBackgroundColor | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
The background color for every odd search hit (sv:color) | |
searchHitExcerptFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
The hit excerpt font Node (sv:font) | |
searchHitExcerptLength | javax.jcr.PropertyType.LONG |
Approximate length (char count) for search hit excerpts | |
searchHitHeadingFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
The hit heading font Node (sv:font) | |
searchHitInfoFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
The hit info font Node (sv:font) | |
searchHitPathFont | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
The hit path font Node (sv:font) | |
showFileIcons | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not a file icons should be displayed for each search hit | |
showSearchHitExcerpt | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to show hit excerpts | |
showSearchHitInfo | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to show hit info (date + size) | |
showSearchHitNumbering | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not search hits should be displayed numbered | |
showSearchHitPath | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to show a linked path to the search hit | |
useSearchHitBackgroundColor | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not a searchHitBackgroundColor (see line below) are in use | |
MISC | |
nonce | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
The nonce attribute value for the current request | |
useCustomIndex | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not a custom index is used | |
useCustomSortFields | javax.jcr.PropertyType.BOOLEAN |
Whether or not to use custom sort fields (i.e. use a custom "relevance" sorting") | |
bundle | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
A temporary Node holding all i18n:ized texts used for output. See available properties in table below | |
templates | javax.jcr.PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE |
A temporary Node with sub-nodes that holds properties about all letters. See available properties for letters sub-nodes in table below | |
Name | Type and Description |
hitsTemplate | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
| The search hits Velocity template |
noHitsTemplate | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
| The no hits/search error Velocity template |
Name | Type and Description |
lastModifiedText | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
| The i18n:ized last modified text (en: "Last modified:") |
noInformationAvailableText | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
| The i18n:ized last modified text (en: "No information available") |
sizeText | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
| The i18n:ized size text (en: "Size:") |