There is always one and only one local comment repository as child of a page content (sv:pageContent) node. It consists of zero or more comments (sv:pageComment) as sub nodes.
The content of the page comment repository node corresponds to the comments for a specific page or article
Name | Type and description |
Page Comment Repository | Fixed / Model independent |
The name is fixed and is always "Page Comment Repository" |
Name | Type and description |
mutabilityStatus | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Mutability of comments ["mutable", "immutable" or "unspecified"]. @since Sitevision 3.6.6. | |
visibleCount | javax.jcr.PropertyType.LONG |
The number of visible comments. | |
visibilityStatus | javax.jcr.PropertyType.STRING |
Visibility of comments ['visible', 'hidden' or 'unspecified']. @since Sitevision 3.6.6. |
Sitevision Utility API tip!
- The ResourceLocatorUtil interface exposes methods for easy access to the page comment repository.