Logotype Sitevision Developer

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request (req)

The req object is a representation of the HTTP-request.



Object that contains parameters passed to a route. The object contains route parameters ('/user/:id'), query string parameters and values in the request body from POST, PUT and DELETE.


Object that contains cookies from the request.


Boolean indicating whether or not the request is an XHR (ajax) request.


Session data is stored and accessed through the req.session property. Session attributes are namespaced for WebApps/RESTapps, i.e. "global" session attributes cannot be accessed. Note that session data must be JSON serializable.


Hostname from the HTTP request.


Protocol from the request (http or https).


Boolean shorthand checking req.protocol === 'https'.

If a load balancer or proxy is used, make sure that the client request protocol is forwarded to Sitevision.


HTTP method of the request.


Contains the path part of the request URL (the string used to resolve a route).

req.uri [@since 2023.04.1]

The client request uri (the uri that triggered rendering of this app). Note! The uri is not always equal to "the uri of current page".

req.serverside [@since 2023.08.1]

Whether the request is a server-side one or not. State is true when:

  • The WebApp is rendered via OutputUtil
  • The Sitevision indexing process renders the WebApp (Indexer user)
  • The Sitevision HTML extraction process ("Web archiving") renders the WebApp (typically the Extractor user)


req.updateSession() [@since 2023.03.1]

Re-synchronizes local req.session state with the global/shared App session state. Typically needed when multiple apps are executed intertwined


Invalidates current session.


Method to retrieve files from a multipart request. Files are exposed as sv:temporaryFile-nodes.

FileUtil and ImageUtil provide useful methods when working with temporary file nodes.


Request headers from the HTTP-request

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