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requester is available in a client side context and is used to perform HTTP-requests.



Performs a GET-request. options extend base options.


Performs a PUT-request. Options extend base options.


Performs a POST-request. Options extend base options.

requester.doPatch(options) [@since 2023.02.1]

Performs a PATCH-request. Options extend base options.


Performs a DELETE-request. Options extend base options.

Uploading files with the requester

You can upload files with the requester using post/put requests. In order to do this files should be passed as FormData according to this example and a fileUpload: true property should be added to the request. Setting fileUpload: true is a shortcut for setting contentType: false and processData: false which are properties handled by $.ajax.

Want to know more about how you handle files on the serverside see this page.

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