Advanced settings
There are a number of system properties that can be used to configure the general behaviour of the proxy portlet:
proxy.maxhostconnections (default: 30)
Maximum number of connections allowed for a given host. (Note! default value is 100 in versions prior to Sitevision 7)
proxy.maxtotalconnections (default: 200)
Maximum number of connections allowed. (Note! default value is 100 in versions prior to Sitevision 7)
proxy.connectiontimeout (default: 5000)
Timeout (in milliseconds) until a connection is etablished. (Note! default value is 30000 in versions prior to Sitevision 7)
proxy.sotimeout (default: 5000)
Default socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds which is the timeout for waiting for data. (Note! default value is 30000 in versions prior to Sitevision 7)
proxy.semicolonparameterseparators (default: false)
Enable semicolon parameter separators (e.g. /test?a=1;b=2)
sitevision.proxy.connectionthreshold (default: none)
Some clients (e.g. search engines) may not do a complete page request which may result in lingering connections in the pool. Use this parameter to return connections to the pool if the number of connections exceeds a threshold. A suitable threshold depends on the solution, but a good starting value may be 30 or 50.
sitevision.proxy.connectionthresholdcheckinterval (default: 5000)
If sitevision.proxy.connectionthreshold is set, this parameter defines the interval between threshold checks. Value is in milliseconds and must be equal to or higher than 5000.
proxy.forcecharset (default: null)
If the parameter is set it forces Sitevision to interpret all proxied applications with a certain charset. E.g proxy.forcecharset=utf-8 will force SiteVision to interpret the application with a utf-8 charset.
sitevision.proxy.useapplicationcharset (default: false)
This will tell Sitevision to read the charset from the proxied applications HTTP-header. This property will not work if the proxy.forcecharset is set.
A system property always applies for the entire Sitevision server. All proxy portlets uses a shared connection pool, hence above settings are "global" for all proxy portlets executing on the server.