When the proxy module connects to external applications, the following headers are sent:
- host = The name of the server that is called
- x-forwarded-for = The IP address of the client that calls the proxy module
- Via = Indicates that the call is from SiteVision. Is set to "1.1 <Sitevision hostname> (SiteVision)"
- x-sitevision-roles = The user's roles in Sitevision, separated by commas
- x-sitevision-locale = Local for the proxy module
- x-sitevision-authtype = The name of the login method that the user is authenticated with (eg FORM, NTLM, BASIC)
- x-sitevision-user = LDAP DN for the Sitevision user
- x-sitevision-remotehost = Host address for the client who makes the call to the proxy module
- referer = URL to page in Sitevision where the proxy module is located
Otherwise, headers are also copied from the client's call to Sitevision, except for the following:
- cookie
- Content-Type
- Content-Length
- Host
- referer
- pragma
- Accept-Encoding
- If-Modified-Since
- If-None-Match
If the call to external application requires authentication, a BASIC will be sent with the user's login information to Sitevision.
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