Standard Index
The Sitevision Standard Index is the default index of type sv:nodeIndex. It contains data about pages and binaries:
- sv:sitePage
- sv:page
- sv:article
- sv:structurePage
- sv:collaborationGroupPage
- sv:file
- sv:image
Default query fields ("qf") when using the ExtendedDisMaxParser is:
- content.analyzed
- name.analyzed
- title.analyzed
Default query field ("df") when using the StandardParser is:
- content.analyzed
Querying the Standard Index
The Standard Index is used in Searcher when no index is explicitly specified .
Though, the Standard Index can also be explicitly specified (i.e. via SearcherBuilder.setIndex).
acl_allow (solr.StrField, stored, multivalued)
Permission tokens.
anonaccess (solr.BoolField, stored)
Whether or not resource is publicly accessible.
comments (solr.TrieLongField, stored)
Number of page comments.
content.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
Text content in analyzed form. This field uses Stopwords. This is a default query field.
- Used as "qf" by ExtendedDisMaxParser
- Used as "df" by StandardParser
content.stemmed.analyzed (solr.TextField, stemmed, multivalued)
Stemmed text content (see content.analyzed for non-stemmed). This field uses Stopwords.
created (solr.TrieDatefield, stored)
Creation date.
createdby (solr.StrField, stored)
The Node identifier of the creator.
heading1.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
First level headings (i.e. <h1> data of page content). This field uses Stopwords.
heading2.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
Second level headings (i.e. <h2> data of page content). This field uses Stopwords.
heading3.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
Third level headings (i.e. <h3> data of page content). This field uses Stopwords.
heading4.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
Fourth level headings (i.e. <h4> data of page content). This field uses Stopwords.
headings.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
All headings. The combined values of heading1.analyzed...heading4.analyzed (i.e. <h1>...<h4> data of page content). This field uses Stopwords.
id (solr.StrField, stored, unique)
The unique document id (typically the Node identifier of the represented data).
jcrtype (solr.StrField, stored)
The JCR NodeType.
language (solr.StrField, stored)
The language.
languagetag (solr.StrField, stored)
The languagetag.
lastcommented (solr.TrieDateField, stored)
Date of last page comment.
lastindexed (solr.TrieDateField, stored)
Indexing timestamp (i.e. when was this document indexed?)
lastpublished (solr.TrieDateField, stored)
Date of last publish (date of last update for non-publishable nodes, e.g. files/images).
lastpublishedby (solr.StrField, stored)
The Node identifier of the last publishing user (or last updating user for non-publishable nodes, e.g. files/images).
mimetype (solr.StrField, stored)
The MIME (i.e. the "Content-Type").
modified (solr.TrieDateField, stored)
Date of last modification.
modifiedby (solr.StrField, stored)
The Node identifier of the last modifying user.
name (solr.StrField, stored)
The name.
name.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
The name in analyzed form. This is a default query field.
- Used as "qf" by ExtendedDisMaxParser
name.stemmed.analyzed (solr.TextField, stemmed, multivalued)
The name in stemmed form (see name.analyzed for non-stemmed). This field uses Stopwords.
name.sortable (solr.CollationField)
The (multivalued) name in sortable form.
namepath (solr.StrField, stored)
The name-path of the nodes in the structural path from the site.
nodeid (solr.StrField, stored)
The Node identifier.
path (solr.StrField, stored, multivalued)
The Node identifiers of the nodes in the structural path from the site.
published (solr.TrieDateField, stored)
The publish date. Also see lastpublished for "last published date".
publishedby (solr.StrField, stored)
The Node identifier of the publishing user (or updating user for non-publishable nodes, e.g. files/images). Also see lastpublishedby for "last published by".
shortname (solr.StrField, stored)
The short name.
shortname.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
The short name in analyzed form.
site (solr.StrField, stored)
The Node identifier of the sv:site.
size (solr.TrieLongField, stored)
The size - number of bytes of the resource.
summary (solr.TextField, stored, multivalued)
The text content in stored form. Typically used for highlighting and debug. Also see content.analyzed for the text content in analyzed (i.e. searchable) form. This field uses Stopwords.
svtype (solr.StrField, stored, multivalued)
Type of resource (site, page, article, structurepage, grouppage, image, file, fileresource, groupresource). Typically used in filter query to limit hits to specific "types".
svtypeval (solr.TrieFloatField, stored)
Numerical representation of type (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0). Typically used for "boosting" by type.
tags (solr.StrField, stored, multivalued)
The tags (names of sv:tag).
tags.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
The tags in analyzed form.
template (solr.StrField, stored)
The Node identifier of the sv:template.
title (solr.StrField, stored)
The title. The name if no title is present.
title.analyzed (solr.TextField, analyzed)
The title in analyzed form.
title.stemmed.analyzed (solr,TextField, stemmed)
The title in stemmed form (see title.analyzed for non-stemmed). This field uses Stopwords.
title.sortable (solr.CollationField)
The title in sortable form.
translationtags (solr.StrField, stored, multivalued) [@since 2024.01.2]
The language tags for translations of this node.
uri (solr.StrField, stored)
The URI.
url (solr.StrField, stored)
The URL.
Dynamic Fields
Sitevision metadata is handled by dynamic fields prefixed with "metadata.
All metadata definition types populates the base fields:
Certain metadata definition types can also populate further dynamic index fields:
A Numeric metadata also populates:
A Date metadata also populates:
metadata.* (solr.StrField, stored, multivalued)
The metadata value as string.
metadata.analyzed.* (solr.TextField, analyzed, multivalued)
The metadata value in analyzed format. Note! This field will use the same analyzer chain as the default query field ("df") of the index, i.e. content.analyzed (hence this field also uses Stopwords).
metadata.sortable.* (solr.CollationField)
The metadata value in sortable format
metadata.long.* (solr.TrieLongField, stored)
The metadata value as number.* (solr.TrieDateField, stored)
The metadata value as date.